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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Overview of corruption risk management approaches and key vulnerabilities in development assistance

Development assistance has great potential to contribute to positive and lasting change. However, certain corruption risks need to be taken into account to ensure that aid does not fuel corruption.

Most donor agencies now have mechanisms to help ensure that their schemes do not unwittingly invite corrupt practices. Yet, non-specialist project staff tasked with programme planning and implementation are often ill-equipped and underprepared to identify and address the corruption risks they face. This Helpdesk answer provides an overview of risk management strategies at project level for areas particularly vulnerable to corruption: financial management, procurement, human resources, training and partner relations.

27 June 2016
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Overview of corruption risk management approaches and key vulnerabilities in development assistance

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Jenkins, M. 2016. Overview of corruption risk management approaches and key vulnerabilities in development assistance. U4 Expert Answer 2016:11

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About the author

Matt Jenkins is a Research and Knowledge Manager at Transparency International, where he runs the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, an on-demand bespoke research service for civil society activists and development practitioners. Jenkins specialises in anti-corruption evaluations and evidence reviews, he has produced studies for the OECD and the GIZ, and has worked at the European Commission and think tanks in Berlin and Hyderabad.


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