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Donor anti-corruption strategies: Learning from implementation

A comparison of U4 partner agencies’ anti-corruption strategies shows that while they take different shapes, their purpose, content and approach is similar. Emphasis is placed on safeguarding donor funds and guiding support for anti-corruption interventions. They also signal a commitment to anti-corruption within the agency, to their domestic audience and partner countries. To go beyond mere rhetoric, strategies need to be properly resourced. Mainstreaming anti-corruption through other strategies and guidelines can potentially create greater integration. Comprehensive anti-corruption strategies run the risk of being viewed as separate from an agency’s overall work. Balancing risk management and zero tolerance in agency strategies emerges as a central issue.

19 December 2013
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Donor anti-corruption strategies: Learning from implementation

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Taxell, N.; Hart, E. 2013. Donor anti-corruption strategies: Learning from implementation. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2013:10) 6 p

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Nils Taxell
Elizabeth Hart

Liz Hart is an international development practitioner with more than twenty years of experience in analysing governance and corruption challenges and designing and implementing efforts to address them. She currently leads the Targeting Natural Resource Corruption (TNRC) project at the World Wildlife Fund. TNRC works to strengthen anti-corruption knowledge and practice in natural resource management and conservation, toward the larger goal of reducing the threats that corruption poses to fisheries, forests and wildlife. In addition to a 14-year career with USAID, Liz was formerly the director of the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre and an active consultant in governance, anti-corruption and development. She holds a Ph.D. in political science from Princeton University in the USA.


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