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Mainstreaming anti-corruption within donor agencies

Given the cross-cutting nature of anti-corruption interventions, multilateral and bilateral agencies are increasingly moving away from stand-alone anti-corruption programming to mainstream anti-corruption as an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programmes and policies. In practice ,however, such efforts have often failed due to the dispersion of actors and interests, insufficient political will as well as lack of awareness, capacity, incentives, and effective coordination and monitoring of mainstreamed processes. Effective anti-corruption mainstreaming requires credible leadership, adequate internal structures, effective coordination and monitoring mechanisms, supporting organisational incentive systems, and need to be backed by adequate staffing, resources, skills and expertise.

27 January 2010
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Mainstreaming anti-corruption within donor agencies

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Chêne, M. 2010. Mainstreaming anti-corruption within donor agencies. Expert Answer 231

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Marie Chêne


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