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UNCAC and the participation of NGOs in the fight against corruption

Civil society (including NGOs) has a key role to play in fighting corruption, from monitoring public services, denouncing bribery and raising awareness, to contributing to the implementation of international anti-corruption instruments such as the UNCAC. For donors, some of the challenges involved in working with NGOs include identifying partners that share common goals and values, managing coalitions of actors with different interests and agendas, and striking a balance between the political interests of state and non-state actors. There are several examples of initiatives aimed at empowering NGOs to promote the implementation of the UNCAC that demonstrate that NGOs can be very instrumental in advocating for anti-corruption reforms. The UNCAC itself contains mandatory provisions that promote CSO participation in the fight against corruption, but little information is available on how state parties have implemented the related Article 13. With provisions on training, research, informat

9 April 2008
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UNCAC and the participation of NGOs in the fight against corruption

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Chêne, M.; Dell, G. 2008. UNCAC and the participation of NGOs in the fight against corruption. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk)

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Marie Chêne
Gillian Dell


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