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U4 Practitioner Experience Note

The rapid economic liberalisation and ruthless fight against corruption in Georgia

Interview with Dr. Tamara Kovziridze

Georgia’s rapid and substantial improvements in controlling corruption in an endemically corrupt society is an exceptional anti-corruption reform success story. As one of the exclusive contemporary achievers in improving the control of corruption, the Georgian reform experience is of particular interest. With so few rapid successes globally, it appears that the exceptional cases may help correct the failed assumptions of today’s dominant reform approaches.

9 February 2017
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The rapid economic liberalisation and ruthless fight against corruption in Georgia

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Eriksson, F. 2017. The rapid economic liberalisation and ruthless fight against corruption in Georgia. Interview with Dr. Tamara Kovziridze. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practitioner Experience Note 2017:1)

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About the author

Fredrik Eriksson

Fredrik Eriksson is a lawyer with extensive experience from private sector research, policy analysis, evaluations, strategy development, and consultancy work — mostly on anti-corruption and governance issues. His experiences span the public, private and voluntary sectors across a wide range of countries. Between 2009–2011, he worked on the implementation of the Norwegian government’s illicit financial flows policy in development. He is a former Senior Adviser at U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, and was involved in developing U4 TRIAL – the anti-corruption innovation lab, and research on corporate actors in anti-corruption.


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