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The impact of Chinese investments on national procurement rules

Within a decade, China has become a powerful player in the world economy, including global procurement markets. Its participation has been either as a bidder on government and donor projects or as a direct procurer of goods and services by Chinese companies. China has become one of Africa’s largest trading partners, lenders and builders. It uses resource-backed development loans and grants to countries in return for concessions for and procured goods and services from Chinese companies. China is not immune from the many risks inherent in procurement, and there have been scandals across different continents involving Chinese companies suspected of using bribery to win contacts. However, there is currently little specific research that shows China’s engagement in procurement offers more risks as compared to other countries. Nor is there a clear indication that China is causing the bar to be set lower in countries where it is involved in procurement markets. In fact, there are indications

28 March 2011
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The impact of Chinese investments on national procurement rules

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Fagan, C. 2011. The impact of Chinese investments on national procurement rules. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer null)

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Craig Fagan


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