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Tackling judicial corruption in Afghanistan

In Afghanistan, problems of training, resources, ineffective oversight, judicial corruption and political interference currently undermine the credibility and independence of the judiciary, jeopardising the restoration of the rule of law. Some specific contextual issues further challenge effective delivery of justice services in the country, including the general state of insecurity, the lack of government control outside Kabul, the existence of a parallel informal justice system and the booming of the narcotics trade. However, a series of ongoing training initiatives and reforms such as the Afghanistan Compaq, the Rome Conference on the Rule of Law or the approval of a new Supreme Court in August 2007 may provide key entry points to address judicial corruption in the country.

12 September 2007
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Tackling judicial corruption in Afghanistan

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Chêne, M. 2007. Tackling judicial corruption in Afghanistan. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk 2007)

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Marie Chêne


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