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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Overview of international commitments on corruption and illicit finance

Over the past three decades, a sizable number of multi-lateral institutions have demonstrated commitments against corruption and illicit finance through adoption of various instruments. These commitments cover several thematic or subject areas such as illicit finance, asset recovery and international cooperation, business integrity, public integrity and access to information. This paper collates these anti-corruption commitments, categorised into eight broad thematic or subject areas.

11 February 2021
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Overview of international commitments on corruption and illicit finance

Main points

  • Since the adoption of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption in 1996, most multi-lateral institutions have shown commitments to fight corruption and illicit finance through adoption on instruments.
  • There is a minimum of seven commitments for each thematic or subject area covered in this paper.

Cite this publication

Duri, J. 2021. Overview of international commitments on corruption and illicit finance. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer 2021:3)

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About the author

Jorum Duri

Jorum is a Research Coordinator at Transparency International, with his primary responsibilities at the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk.


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