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Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Tajikistan

Most evidence indicates that corruption in Tajikistan is

widespread and at all levels of society. Rule of law is

weak and most institutions lack transparency and

integrity structures. Tajikistan experiences similar

issues as other former Soviet states in Central Asia,

with little political renewal and a small elite capturing

political and economic life.

Most evidence indicates that corruption in Tajikistan is widespread and at all levels of society. Rule of law is weak and most institutions lack transparency and integrity structures. Tajikistan experiences similar issues as other former Soviet states in Central Asia, with little political renewal and a small elite capturing political and economic life. Dushanbe has taken steps forward to fight corruption but the country lacks some important anti-corruption mechanisms and the necessary political will to effectively counter corruption.

14 March 2013
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Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Tajikistan

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Wickberg, S. 2013. Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in Tajikistan. Expert Answer 356

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Sofia Wickberg


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