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Natural resource tenure and corruption

Corruption opportunities can be generated at several levels of the of the land tenure systems starting from political interference at the policy development stage. Legislation dealing with land allocation and registration, land reform, tax legislation as well as legislation governing the management of natural resources can be especially vulnerable to corrupt practices, ultimately leading to severe environmental degradation. In addition to active participation in relevant regional and international initiatives such as the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade processes (FLEGT), prevention measures should ensure inter alia the active involvement of target groups and civil society from the early stage of environmental programmes, the simplification of overly complex regulatory frameworks, the creation of transparent conflict management mechanisms as well as independent investigation and prosecution of misdemeanours.
7 February 2007
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Natural resource tenure and corruption

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Jennett, V. 2007. Natural resource tenure and corruption. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk 2007)

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About the author

Victoria Jennett

Dr Victoria Jennett has a 20-year career working for and advising governments, international organisations, and NGOs on how to reform justice systems to prevent corruption and promote human rights. She carries out corruption risk assessments, researches and publishes on corruption and justice issues, and co-teaches the U4 course on corruption in the justice sector.


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