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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Mitigating corruption in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

An overview of the debate

This Helpdesk Answer surveys the ongoing commentary on how to prevent corruption in Ukraine’s post-war recovery to document the major proposals that are emerging. It finds there is broad alignment on the anti-corruption policy priorities for Ukraine after the war. These include redoubling measures to strengthen the country’s anti-corruption bodies, completing rule of law reforms in the judiciary and seeking to eliminate sources of rents in the public financial management system, including in public procurement, state-owned enterprises, licences and taxes. However, while there is consensus on the need to ensure transparency, competitive approaches and meaningful oversight in reconstruction efforts, discussions about how robust anti-corruption mechanisms should be established are more contested.

19 February 2023
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Mitigating corruption in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine

Main points

  • Both in Ukraine and abroad, there is a keen sense that military success on the battlefield may only represent a partial victory if Ukraine is unable to emerge from the war on a trajectory towards the rule of law, control of corruption and democratic accountability.
  • There is a widespread view that the savvy and strategic use of reconstruction funds can set Ukraine on this path, but that without strong oversight in the use of these funds, international financial support risks “reversing the country’s progress in fighting corruption” (Murtazashvili and Shapoval 2022).
  • There is broad consensus on the need for continued judicial reform, the engagement of non-state actors and local government, as well as the importance of open data initiatives and procurement safeguards.
  • In contrast, there are rival proposals for the appropriate institutional architecture to deliver and monitor reconstruction funds.

Cite this publication

Jenkins, M. 2023. Mitigating corruption in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. An overview of the debate. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer 2023:3)

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About the author

Matt Jenkins is a Research and Knowledge Manager at Transparency International, where he runs the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, an on-demand bespoke research service for civil society activists and development practitioners. Jenkins specialises in anti-corruption evaluations and evidence reviews, he has produced studies for the OECD and the GIZ, and has worked at the European Commission and think tanks in Berlin and Hyderabad.


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