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Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Overview of corruption and anti-corruption

Levels of corruption in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, while lower than in Iraq as a whole, are relatively high compared to other countries in the region. Corruption challenges are rooted in the strong role that the two established political parties have in the political system, nepotism, a weak bureaucracy and the difficulties associated with managing oil revenues. While progress has been made on delivering the government’s 2009 ‘Good Governance and Transparency Strategy’ and the ‘Vision for 2020’, there have been few high-profile convictions for corruption cases. A challenging media environment remains a serious constraint on effective anti-corruption reform.

24 March 2015
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Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Overview of corruption and anti-corruption

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Pring, C. 2015. Kurdistan Region of Iraq: Overview of corruption and anti-corruption. U4 Expert Answer 2015:7

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About the author

Coralie Pring

Coralie Pring is an independent researcher with over 15 years’ experience leading studies on good governance, security and gender issues. She formerly directed Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index and Global Corruption Barometer, and currently supports organisations globally with research, monitoring and evaluation support. She holds an MRes in Politics from Birkbeck, the University of London.


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