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Incentives for the private sector to refrain from corruption

The environment of doing business has changed in recent years, urging companies to adopt and comply with more stringent anti-corruption norms and standards such as the OECD or the UNCAC conventions. In addition, corporate scandals have proved very costly for companies in terms of image, reputation and sustainability. There may also be some business incentives of preventing and punishing corruption, such as joining the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) movement. A company that demonstrates anti-bribery commitments may also gain access to bidding lists of companies and public institutions which demand evidence of no-bribes policies.

23 March 2007
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Incentives for the private sector to refrain from corruption

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Jennett, V. 2007. Incentives for the private sector to refrain from corruption. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer Helpdesk 2007)

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About the author

Victoria Jennett

Dr Victoria Jennett has a 20-year career working for and advising governments, international organisations, and NGOs on how to reform justice systems to prevent corruption and promote human rights. She carries out corruption risk assessments, researches and publishes on corruption and justice issues, and co-teaches the U4 course on corruption in the justice sector.


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