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From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership

This Practice Insight summarises lessons learned from four case studies conducted to examine what bearing the notion of ownership has on anti-corruption interventions involving the private sector. By demonstrating how effective ownership is often shared, and evolves over time as partners create results together, it promotes a more nuanced understanding of ownership than that expressed by documents such as the Paris Declaration and the Accra Accords. The recommendations provide guidance on assessing the appropriate scope and objectives of ownership for any development project.

1 January 2010
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From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership

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Mathisen, H.; Devine, V.; Trivunovic, M. 2010. From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practice Insight no. 2010:1) 6 p.

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Harald Mathisen
Vera Devine


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