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Examples of anti-corruption clauses in cooperation agreements

No aid modality is free from fraud and corruption risks and most donors have developed anti-corruption strategies to safeguard their funds from corruption. This includes committing to a “no bribe” policy both internally and externally. In dealings with development partners, the key pillars of these anti-corruption strategies typically cover three major dimensions, namely prevention, detection, and a regime of appropriate sanctions. Introducing specific anti-corruption clauses in cooperation agreements is an important means to integrate corruption into the political dialogue with partners. In addition, donors’ corruption risk management strategies also include efforts to improve the project design process with the objective to explicitly assess and address corruption risks at all stages of the programme cycle, to promote greater transparency, disclosure and civil society participation as well as to strengthen the monitoring and supervision of development projects at the implementati

25 March 2010
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Examples of anti-corruption clauses in cooperation agreements

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Chêne, M. 2010. Examples of anti-corruption clauses in cooperation agreements. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer null)

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Marie Chêne


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