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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Effective donor coordination models for multi-donor technical assistance

Countering sophisticated forms of corruption through coordinated efforts

A review of the available literature suggests that coordination structures such as multi-donor trust funds, may facilitate joint approaches in recipient countries. Information-sharing vehicles, such as the OECD’s Anti-Corruption Task Team, could foster high-level dialogue without fixating on the harmonisation of donors’ policies and procedures. We have surveyed various modalities of donor coordination. They are grouped into three broad categories: funding, information sharing and international engagement. 

26 September 2017
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Effective donor coordination models for multi-donor technical assistance

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Jenkins, M. 2017. Effective donor coordination models for multi-donor technical assistance. Countering sophisticated forms of corruption through coordinated efforts. U4 Helpdesk Answer 2017:11

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About the author

Matt Jenkins is a Research and Knowledge Manager at Transparency International, where he runs the Anti-Corruption Helpdesk, an on-demand bespoke research service for civil society activists and development practitioners. Jenkins specialises in anti-corruption evaluations and evidence reviews, he has produced studies for the OECD and the GIZ, and has worked at the European Commission and think tanks in Berlin and Hyderabad.


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