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U4 Helpdesk Answer

Corruption risks in research funding in developing countries

Funding research organisations in low-income countries can have a significant positive effect on the economic and political development of these countries. However, donors considering providing financial support to such organisations will need to consider both background integrity issues, such as the potential for conflict of interest or undue influence over research processes, as well as particular vulnerabilities to forms of corruption such as fraud and embezzlement. The literature identifies potential mitigation strategies to counter the risk of corruption in research, such as codes of conduct, accountability and transparency mechanisms, and the implementation of risk management systems.

2 November 2017
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Corruption risks in research funding in developing countries

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Merkle, O. 2017. Corruption risks in research funding in developing countries. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer 2017:16)

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