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Anti-corruption measures for reducing corruption in agriculture

Given the vastness of the agricultural sector, from small scale subsistence farming to large commercial plantations, understanding the sector's value chain to map appropriate corruption risks and anti-corruption measures can be a helpful exercise. Risks in agriculture can intertwine with other sectors such as land and water, which are vital inputs. Anti-corruption measures can include but are not limited to TAAPE (transparency, awareness, accountability, prevention, and enforcement), use of social accountability strategies, whistleblower protection and innovation in agricultural practices.

2 March 2022
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Anti-corruption measures for reducing corruption in agriculture

Main points

  • Agriculture is a vast sector, from small scale subsistence farming to large commercial plantations involving various processes and actors depending on the context and produce.
  • Value chain analysis of the agricultural practice in each context can be beneficial to mapping appropriate corruption risks and mitigation strategies.
  • Anti-corruption measures can include but are not limited to TAAPE (transparency, awareness, accountability, prevention, and enforcement), use of social accountability strategies, whistleblower protection and innovation in agricultural practices.
  • Contextual analysis is vital.

Cite this publication

Rahman, K. 2022. Anti-corruption measures for reducing corruption in agriculture. Bergen: U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Helpdesk Answer 2022:3)

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About the author

Kaunain Rahman

Kaunain is the business integrity specialist at Transparency International (TI), driving integrity in business as part of TI’s strategy. She strengthens business capacity for collective action, fosters integrity in value chains, and advocates for better regulatory frameworks. Her projects include Integrity Pacts and the Business Integrity Country Agenda, focusing on transparent procurement and national business integrity. Kaunain also leads TI’s efforts in addressing corruption through private sector sustainability reporting.


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