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Addressing corruption in the health sector: Securing equitable access to health care for everyone

The development community is striving to achieve results and value for money with its investments in health around the world. Yet, donors often work in countries where the risk of corruption is high and where public management and oversight systems are weak. In many countries, international assistance has strengthened accountability bodies such as anti-corruption commissions and the Office of the Auditor General. As the capacity of these bodies increases, so does the likelihood of corruption being uncovered at the sector level. Sector advisers need the knowledge and skills to prevent, detect and address corruption in their sectors.

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1 January 2011
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Addressing corruption in the health sector: Securing equitable access to health care for everyone

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Hussmann, K. 2011. Addressing corruption in the health sector: Securing equitable access to health care for everyone. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2011:1) 39 p.

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About the author

Karen Hussmann

Karen Hussmann is a public policy expert with extensive experience in governance, anti-corruption issues, health-sector integrity, and fragile states. Her experience includes having been the director of an EU financed anti-corruption programme in Colombia, senior consultant for the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre and the EUROsociAL II Programme in Latin America, and accountability expert with UNDP in Afghanistan. She has also worked many years with Transparency International. She is currently an independent consultant conducting applied policy research and working with partners on policy development and implementation of anti-corruption standards. She teaches the U4 online courses Essentials of anti-corruption and Corruption risk management.


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