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U4 Report

A transparent and accountable judiciary to deliver justice for all

Corruption is hampering the delivery of justice globally. People perceive the judiciary as the second most corrupt public service, after the police. UNDP presents in this report, prepared in cooperation with U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre, a series of successful experiences from Afghanistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, Indonesia, Kenya, Kosovo*, Nepal, Nigeria, Paraguay, Philippines, and Somalia, in promoting transparency and accountability within the judiciary.

Opening up judicial systems fosters integrity and increases public trust without impeding independence of the judiciary. The report advocates for judiciaries to open up to peer learning by engaging representatives of other countries in capacity assessments to improve judicial integrity. It also encourages judiciaries to consult end-users, associations of judges and use new technologies to foster transparency and accountability.

8 April 2016
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A transparent and accountable judiciary to deliver justice for all

Cite this publication

Schütte, S.; Reddy, P.; Zorzi, L. 2016. A transparent and accountable judiciary to deliver justice for all. United Nations Development Programme

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About the authors

Dr. Sofie Arjon Schütte leads U4’s thematic work on the justice sector – including anti-corruption agencies and courts – and evaluation and measurement. Previously, she worked for the Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia and the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission and has conducted workshops and short-term assignments on corruption in more than 15 countries.

Paavani Reddy
Liviana Zorzi


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